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김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day16 잘 어울린다고 말하기 Day016This t-shirt looks good on you.이 티셔츠 너한테 잘 어울려Model Examples1This outfit looks good on you2Turtlenecks never look good on me because my neck is too short3Just because glasses are expensive. That doesn't mean they would look good on you.4When I first looked at this hat, I thought 'That would look good on my boyfriend.'5How does she pull that off? Would it look good on me?1이 옷 너한테 잘 어울린다2제가 .. 2024. 6. 7.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day15 완료 여부에 대해 묻고 답하기 Day015 - Are you done with your plate?다 먹은 거니?Model Examples1Are you done with this squat rack? Is it alright if I use it?2I think I'm done with my sandwich. It's just way too big.3Are you done with the book I lent you? I'd like to have it back4I'm done taking a look at your car. I'll tell you what you've got here5Don't come in! I'm not done changing1이 스쾃기구 다 쓰신거죠? 제가 써도 될까요?2샌드위치 그만 먹을래. 너무 커3제.. 2024. 6. 7.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day14 정확히 뭔지는 모르지만 '무언가가 있다'라고 말하기 Day014 - There is something different about BTSBTS는 뭔가 좀 달라 Model Examples1. There was something weird about the interview. 2. There is something about this brand people are crazy about. 3. There is something about him that I am attracted to 4. There is something about Yu Jae-seok that puts people at ease 5. There is something about the coach that brings out the best in players 1. 이번에 면접 봤는데 뭔가 .. 2024. 6. 6.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day13 동사 sound를 이용해 생각이나 의견 묻기 Day013 - How does 2:30 sound?2시 30분 어때요?Model Examples1. I don't feel like cooking. How does fried chicken sound? 2. I was thinking about having Indian food tonight. How does that sound? 3. If I can't take Monday off, maybe we could just vacation in Gyeonggi-do. How does that sound? 4. I thought maybe we could meet on Zoom next week. How does that sound? 5. I was thinking of closing the store ne.. 2024. 6. 6.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day12 I wish를 이용해 미련이나 아쉬움 표현하기 Day012 - I wish I had that much money.나도 그렇게 돈이 많으면 좋으련만 Model Examples1. I wish I had your confidence 2. I wish I could go with you, but I can't find the time. 3. I wish I could eat seafood. 4. I always wish I could spend more time with my family. 5. I wish I could take back what I said 1. 너의 자신감이 참 부럽다 2. 저도 같이 가고 싶긴 한데, 시간이 안 나네요 3. 제가 해산물을 못 먹어서 너무 아쉽네요 4. 항상 가족들이랑 시간을 좀 더 많이 보내고 싶은데 그러질 못하네.. 2024. 6. 5.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day11 생각이나 고민 말하기 Day011 - I was thinking of going to translation grad school.통번역대학원 진학을 고민하고 있어요 Model Examples1. I was thinking of traveling to Australia for the holiday. 2. Do you already have dinner plans? I was thinking of trying a pizza place that my coworker recommended. 3. I was thinking of Mongolia for my next trip, but I decided not to go there 4. It's a little out of my price range. Besides, I was thin.. 2024. 6. 4.