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김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day41 동사 get을 이용해 무언가를 가져다주는 표현 말하기 Day 41I got you a coffee!커피 사 왔어요!  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples  1Could you get me a glass of water while you're up?2Thanks for getting me such nice hand cream!3I'm thinking about getting my students some skin lotion for Christmas.4What did you get your wife for her birthday?5Do you mind going out and getting us a taxi while I pay? 1일어난 김에 물 한 잔 가져다줄래요?2멋진 핸드크림 선물로 주셔서 감사해요! 그러지 않으셔도 되는데.3학생.. 2024. 7. 22.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day40 How를 이용해 의견 묻기 Day 40How about we meet at Sookmyung Women’s University Station?숙대입구역에서 만나는 게 어떨까요?  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples  1How about we meet at 6 on Tuesday?2How about we get lunch at that pizza place across the street?3How about turning it off and on again?4How about setting him up with Menlinda?5How about we hold off on raising the prices?   1우리 화요일 6시에 만나는 거 어때요?2길 건너 피자 가게에서 간단하게 점심 먹으면 어떨까요?3전.. 2024. 7. 20.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day39 카페나 식당에서 쓸 수 있는 표현 Day 39Is that for here or to go?매장 내에서 드실 거예요, 아님 가져가세요? 김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples   1Let's get these coffees to go.2You can't go and sit inside restaurants after 9 p.m., but it's still possible to get food to go.3I don't think we can eat dessert now. Could we get it to go?4People from construction sites often call in big to-go orders around 11.5If you bring your own to-go container, they .. 2024. 7. 19.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day38 타이밍에 대해 말하기 Day 38You caught me just in time.딱 맞게 전화했네. 김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples   1I'm glad I could catch you before you went to bed.2Hi, Andy. You caught me on my way out. Plz make it quick.3We're about to take off. You caught me just in time.4Alex, you caught me just before I got into the shower. What's up?5I was hoping to catch you before you left the office.   1너 자기 전에 내가 딱 맞게 전화를 잘했네2안녕, Andy. .. 2024. 7. 18.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day37 무엇을 할 것인지 물어보기 Day 37What are you up to tomorrow night?내일 밤에 뭐 해요?  김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples  1What are you up to after work today?2Guys, what are you up to this weekend?3Are you up to anything this Friday? I was thinking of going out for dinner.4Are you up to anything tonight? Do you want to catch a movie?5Maybe we could go out for dinner tmrw if you're not already up to anything.  1오늘 퇴근하고 뭐 하세요?2얘들아 .. 2024. 7. 17.
김재우의 영어회화 100 - Day36 5형식 문형으로 부탁하거나 의뢰하기 Day036I’d like to get this steak cooked a little more.스테이크 조금만 더 익혀 주세요. 김재우 영어회화 복습하러 가기 Model Examples   1Could I get this steak cooked a little more? It looks rare, and I wanted it medium.2I'd like to get these leftovers wrapped up.3Is there any place nearby where I can get my coat fixed?4Could I have maybe a centimeter more taken off the top?5I'd like to have my account and profile deleted. .. 2024. 7. 16.